Friday, August 12, 2011

Little pockets of life

Last night, a friend asked, 'so what do you usually do after work?''.

We were winding down in the car after an alumni meeting and dinner (my first, his 5th). After a crash ice-breaking session with a lot of people I've never met before, and few rounds of game, I found the quiet atmosphere in the car welcoming (relieving even). 

'So what do you usually do after work?' His voice stirred the stupor around me. 'Where do you hang out?' I straightened up, braced myself to give the inevitable answer - needless to say, it's not my favourite question.

"Go home, cook dinner, laze about reading books or get online..." I let my sentence teeter, silence hung between us like curtain.

"So, basically you don't hang around much." He spoke the words with a hint of finality to them, as if concluding the entire conversation. I smiled.


Opie said...

Well, define "hanging around".. ;p

People often make the mistake of assuming life at home equals no life..

Unknown said...

Kak Sofie,

Which is why I smiled at the end of conversation. I hate giving answers to standard questions, because none of my answers are standard these days... And I just couldn't be bothered to explain.


The end

After nearly ten years, is now concluding its final chapter. The blog has been a definitive part of my life, an...